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Monday, August 22, 2016

Some commerical parody I made

"Are you tried of people getting in your way? Are they competing for the
same thing your after? Do you think they're after YOU?!!"

Joseph Stalin
"Well no look no more for solutions! Hi, I'm Joseph Stalin, here to tell you about my new two week program, called Purgeitol!"
(Show name graphic)
"How does it work? Simple comrade! With this two week program, you can say proshchay to your rivals and competitors. No more will people stand in your way and question your position! Best of all, you will feel safer then ever, when you take my program. But don't take it from me, take it from these happy customers."

Ash Ketchum
"Hi I'm Ash, for twenty years, I've lost about every Pokemon league from Kanto to Kalos. But with Mr. Stalin's Purgeitol program, I can finally become a Pokemon champion!"

Commodore Vanderbilt
"Thanks to Joseph, I don't have any competitors anymore. Now I can finally get all of the railroads!"

Martin Skherli
"I used to be targeted by other pharma companies for my stragety, now I can sell AIDS medication thousand-fold."

Daniel Keem
"Killer Keemstar rolling right into Stalin's purgeitol program! Now I don't have hear from those haters and that n****r ALEX!!!"

Anita Sarkessian
"Thanks to the Purgeitol program, those cisgender white males are no longer a problem to social justice!"

Donald Trump
"Great guy, Joseph Stalin, great guy. When I meet him, he seemed to be a nice guy. I really liked him, he offered me his program. Thanks to him, I'm now president of the United States of America and Hiliary's been 'dealt with'."

Joseph Stalin
"With just eight payments of 50 rubles, you get the 80 page guidebook, the four volume training video, and the two week online course. But that's not all, if you pay shipping and handling we'll give you communist party membership for free. Call now"

"Call 5-134-888-9878, that's 5-134-888-9878, free membership comes with documented inquiry, results may vary, not vaild in Canada, Puerto Rico, France, and Papua New Guniea. Anti-trust laws may apply, risks will apply. Assembly required, no batteries included"

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