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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Touhou Tuesday: Come ride the rails with me, da ze!

This is the map for Gensokyo Rail. Despite the danmaku and youkai incidents, its still more reliable than all of Britan's railways combined. That's considering the amount of delays and cancellations having to deal with Cirno freezing the rails or when Marisa caused a head-on collision by stealing the electrical equipment for a set of points, then there was the time Tewi thought she was being funny and uncoupled a heavy goods train that ran away and crashed into a speeding HST/Shinkansen hybrid train...and destroyed the first power car and more than half of the first coach with moderate damage in coaches 2-3 and minor with 4 and 5. Luckily, coach 6 and the back power car was unharmed.

That is impressive. 

(Locomotives built at Kappa Valley Locomotive Works, including that wierd HST/Shinkansen hybrid)

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