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Friday, May 15, 2015

Proving Minecraft IS useful in the Educational Sector

In my school, we're learning about electronics and I naturally brought the subject of logic gates (NOR, AND, NOT, OR, and the such). So me and my teacher were talking about what they were and how they worked. I then brought up how Minecraft's Redstone is pretty much electricity and that you could build these logic gates. Twas my suggestion that Minecraft could and probably should be used educationally.

But knowing my school, they'll turn her turn down [by extension: me] because Minecraft is a game and it has uneducational properties because its a game. So once again, my school turns around and sticks its big fat head into its home, a deep dark cavern, to sit in the corner in the fetal position likes its ever done for a couple years now. Instead of enjoying the sunshine of innovation! Instead of taking the things that don't seem useful for education, useful for education! But knowing my school, they are stuck up in the anus of the past.

Luckily that decision hasn't been made as of yet. So my school still has the chance to come out of the deep dark dank cave and obtain the vitamin D and C of innovative schooling. Probably tan in it.

Thank god for me.

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