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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

RevieWednesday: Civilization V (With Gods and Kings and Brave New World expansion packs+DLC)

Civilization V is a turn based strategy game that allows you to pick a nation (with their own unique abilities and units) or play a scenario based off a historical event. The nations and their respective leaders range from George Washington (America) to Shaka (Zulu). You start at 4000 BC with a warrior and a settler. You research technologies, improve resources (both luxury [i.e. Silk]and strategic [i.e. Iron]), collect culture to adopt Social Policies, and conduct diplomatic relations with other civ's and waging war. You can win by achieving military, scientific, time, culture, and diplomatic victories. Plus the amount of mods available, if you get bored of the general gameplay.

The gameplay is tight, it sounds great, its graphically great, its roster of civilizations is good, and increases with DLC and expansion packs. Its addictive as all hell, its one the game I have on steam that has 550+ hours sinked in. It even includes an ingame "civilopedia" that contains historical information for buildings, civilizations, units, wonders, and resources. This is one good strategy game.

Civilization V's map is based on hexagonal cells for spaces, which is perfectly fine, but the game is made to have to one unit per cell (no two military units or no two civilian units, but one cilivian and military unit per cell though). Building cities increases the costs of research and social policies, meaning that wide empires are without slowing your progress, meaning you would potentially fall behind other nations. Without any of the expansion packs, the vanilla original game gets pretty boring after a while, usually well into the industrial era. This may or may not be a problem unique to me, but apparently, if you have too many mods installed, your game may crash before barely getting to the title screen. So far, my fix was to reset my computer (which needed to be cleaned out anyway).

VERDICT: 4.7 out of 5 Stars
"Amazing game, but held back by nitpicky problems and post release player retention problems."

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Touhou Tuesday: Yuyuko's Glut of Gut Gluttony!

I have some bad for Remilia.

This is what happened to her sister, Flandre. Get it?

Other than the cheap joke. The Third AeroHou Project story will be made next weekend hopefully, and then this from "Captain Commodore's Texty Adventure"
Which then leads to this...

Which also happens to be my first walfas production, the song kinda inspired me to make this video knowing full well about Yuyuko's fanon (possibly canon) gluttony.

Sorry, I had to make this one on the fly. This may or not count as a recap my week in things I produced.

Friday, April 24, 2015

This had to be done...

So I found a song called "Fat Val Kilmer" this is result of me rendering the song with Walfas.
Subscribe to my channel if you want to be updated about any other videos that I might not post about on this blog.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I just made another game.

This time, a text adventure game. Based on the characters of one of my previous posts. Its a batch file, so you can actually run this game on pretty much any windows computer, even DOS. So here the game page:

So now I'm convinced that 2015 is AeroSoft's most productive year, ever!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You now this week's Touhou Tuesday?

If you highlight the blackened text, there's an array of one's and zero's. This is a super secret cryptic code. Seeing how no one had posted the answer in the comment section of THAT post. This is your chance to do it yourself! Have the odds be in your favor!

I have an idea for an adventure game! (Captain Commodore and Sammy Sinclair in: OS-taning the Ritz!)

The plot: "XP-tan had died (lost support) and has bestowed them her Grand-uncle's key to a place simply called "The Ritz". Now you have to navigate Captain Commodore and Sammy Sinclair to find "The Ritz" by deciphering the lyrics to a song included with the key."

So the idea came from a rather sad comic by brother found on Reddit and the song "Putting on the Ritz".

You find new locations by obtaining items and information and correlating them to the lyrics. Example: "With their noses in the air.." means going through the local dump or "...Spending every dime, for a wonderful time!" could mean heading to an amusement park behind a bank. There is also lots of computer references (such as Captain Commodore and Sammy Sinclair being based off the Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum respectively.

Also, this game should play out as like those old click and point adventure games like Leisure Suit Larry, or Sam and Max: Hit the Road, and such.

RevieWednesday: Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES Original)

Alright, the plot is that Mario had a dream about finding a door and then discovering that door the following day. So Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad, has to apparently find some fairies that are held captive by some toad named "King Wart". Yeah, this game is trippy.

This game is somewhat some graphically pleasing than Super Mario Bros. before it. The music is earworn worthy. The game even bothers to tell you a large part of the story at the title screen. The gameplay is diverse by featuring four different characters with four different abillites (Mario is your default Dan, Luigi has a floaty jump, Toad is speedy albeit with a shorter jump, and Princess Peach can float), instead of jump on top of enemies, you pick them up and lob them at each other.

The control is slippery, characters tend to slip and slide across the level (worse when climbing up vines and running). The cave song is uninteresting and the game gets unneededly gets difficult with the platforming, made worse with the oily banana slipping movement.

VERDICT: 3.2 out of 5 Stars
"Apparently this game was based off of another, Doki Doki Panic. But either way, this game is really iffy when compared to other Mario games."

New Gameplay Footage For White Plateau!

Now here's some more gameplay footage for White Plateau! This time with sound unlike the last one (Stupid computer). Also this video goes a bit past the second boss, as we get the next two party members.

Download White Plateau here:

Gameplay Video of White Plateau!

This is just for anyone curious about game in action. No, game is not silent like in the video. Apparently Window Live Movie Maker likes to make my sound go crap. So a new one with will be available.

But please support me making games by downloading it here:

AeroSoft 2020: Takes America is Released!

Here's the video to listen to, albeit some slight production problems occurred, but no biggie.

Ther AeroHou Project page is also updated to contain this video.

White Plateau is Released!

After a couple weeks of waiting! Here it is!

And these aren't the only pictures of gameplay! You can download game here:

Please download the game as that will be appreciated! ;)

Here's another joke.

You know those vans or short buses were the kids have an aide person. If you have too many kids, sooner or later, you'll end up with a van full of aides.

Get it?

Who puts people to sleep in the army?

General Anesthesia
The game is now complete! But the GameJolt Page is now under construction. The game will be ready for download later today!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm a Gamer

I know this is kinda of obvious, but I'm a gamer. Not a PC Master Racist or some Console Peasant. Just a gamer, plain and simple. Hell, right down to the direct meaning: an enthusiast of video gaming. The reason why I'm saying this is that I just heard that apparently Gamers don't exist anymore, and that being a Gamer is a bad thing. But I believe that this term isn't dead and doesn't  mean a bad thing.
On that note, if GamerGate is World War II, I'm Switzerland, neutral.

That it is all.

Touhou Tuesday: Conspiracy Theory about ZUN

What if the Touhou Project games aren't works of fiction and Gensokyo isn't an imaginary thought. But rather that Gensokyo DOES exist and that the Touhou Project games are actually interactive newsreels of Gensokyo and that ZUN has already been there and receives information through an informant of a native Gensokyo resident so he can personally convert the news into video games. Also, his written works are also Gensokyo news turned into a media that can be enjoyed by the populace. This means that Touhou fans are pretty much participating in newscasts disguised as games and doujin mangas.

However, during the PC-98 era of games. The character designs were changed as not to piss off or be reprimanded (possibly in a lethal manner). Then, when the Windows era began. ZUN was given permission to use the people's (youkai's too) actual likenesses.

Now I got that out of my system, here's something else different:

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Have fun! ;)

Can my school be independent as a nation?

[This is an essay on how my school be an independent nation, there is no malicious intent behind this and this isn't based on any personal bias, opinion, and/or personal critical review]

Seeing how I went on a little bit of a tangent from my last post. So I going to go all Game Theory on this puppy and pose this: Can my school be independent from United States and become its own nation? Today I'll try to answer this.

My school does a lot of  things that differentiates itself from the rest of the governed land surrounded by it. My school is a private one, so it could do whatever it wants. BUT, it seems that sometimes the establishment goes above and beyond what a private school can go as far as the freedom of what its ruling body can do within the confines of the educational system. Before we can directly answer the question posed at the title, we have to look at the facts.

The school turned micronation's government, if it became severed from the US, would be a Communist one. Not out of my own personal opinion, but rather the way the place is. There is no class based on socio-economics, all living quarters are pretty much the same (no ownage of private property, excluding personal belongings), and everyone gets payed the same (we'll touch on that in a minute). Also, there is only one political party in charge with no competition for being the one in charge.

The micronation doesn't really export any of its own goods, which is important for competing in a global economy where the well being of one country's wealth affects everyone else's. Everyone is employed and everyone gets paid equally unless there is a negative discrepancy. The main imports by the micronation are food items that can't be produced by the micronation.

While this ties into economy, it also has to do with how the private micronation is able to produce for itself and for its people. There exists a small vegetable garden, but probably needs to be upgraded for the micronation to properly sustain its own people. Then are some crafts, albeit rarely produced to a major degree of providing a sturdy cash flow for the micronation to rely upon.

The micronation's culture is made up entirely by riding upon copying the world's art and culturally significant media. The micronation's culture also includes American pop culture (since its surround by territory of that country) that is poorly understood. The citizens would probably make up they're own unique culture from the rest of the world, but the micromanaging government establishment would probably fiddle around it to the best of their interests.

The answer would be a definite "Yes". However, the school would struggle to keep up with the stresses of being a independent nation. Such as diplomatic affairs, military, national happiness, economy, technological affairs, and upkeep. So the school (in hopes that this is in they're best interests) that they DON'T secede from the US unless they're able to handle being in charge of a country, as well as probably being included in the UN, which would be fun to watch on the telly.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A complaint to Google

Why the bloody hell isn't the Unity Web Plugin not working?! I know its the fact Google is removing support of something called "napapi". Which Unity's chrome web plugin works upon. So no AdVenutre Capitalist for me until the folks who made Unity, fix this issue with a new plugin. Some baka Google is, they even recommend using another browser for Unity. Firsthand, there is no way my data is going to be on next browser I download. Second, its like saying "Since our country isn't that great, we advise our citizen to immigrate to the next one." no sense from a business perspective.

Now that rant's over.

Hope you're not too high to read this.

Happy 4/20! Tis a day for worshipping Snoop Dogg and smoking blunts...lots of them. But's that's not why I'm here. This post celebrates the second year anniversary of "Brony Quest 2: Day of Lavos", the sequel to "Brony Quest: When Nazis Attack".

The plot is that its three years after the first game. However after finding Twilight Sparkle in the burnt out ruins of Breed Academy and traveling to the future and back. A descendant of Queen Zeal, Dr. Klax has found the remains of the Devil Machine, and attempts to revive Lavos using it. Now its up to the Three Amigos + Twilight to stop him and destroy Lavos. Yeah its a bit of a cluster. But you know.

Have a blazed day!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Remember that history of the "Misadventures of Thomas & Friends" thing?

Well, heres the rough cut I've been talking about. It might have a blooper in there, but I haven't looked fully at the footage since slapping the raw video together in all its gooey goodness. So here's the video!

Super Mega Drive Specs (Aerohou Project Version)

According to legend, parts for the Super Mega Drive were obtained during a gaping spree, so the console mainly consists of off the shelf parts. However, most of them were modified to be on par with fifth generation console, albeit more high end of which. 

CPU: intel Core i5 2430M clocked at 1 GHz (32-bit)
GPU: ATi R300 clocked at 280 MHz
Sound: Creative Sound Blaster Audigy FX 5.1 PCI (Alternate: instead of using midi/MP3/Wav/OGG/MP4a, there is the Yamaha YMF288, Komani VRC7, and MOS Technology 6581/8580 "SID" sound chips for direct sound capabilities)
Polygon Count: 267,000 per second (NUFX Chip brings it to 301,462 per second)
Color: 17,450,203 possible colors on screen
Resolution: 530x480 to 720x576
2D Capabilities: 25 Background layers, 8 Sprite Layers, Mode 7 with Anti-aliasing (smoother compared to SNES), complete sprite manipulation (360 rotation, stretching, coloration, etc.), Anti aliasing in general
Output: A/V output (comes with system), RF antenna output (early models), HDMI output (Later models/US Release), VGA video output
Input: Two proprietary wired controller ports (NES-style but with 6 pins instead of NES's 5 pins), four USB ports (Two front, two back), one SD card slot, one proprietary 6.5 cm USB Cartridge slot.
Plastic Case: White body with dark gray base (Flame Retardant and chemical additives for durability against danmaku damage)
Game Medium: Proprietary USB Cartridge (Size: 6.5 cm by 0.3 cm), spaces from 25GB to 200 GB (compared to Blu-Ray's 100 GB)
OS: AeroCOS v1.0 (v1.11.2 for American Release,COS: Cartridge Operating System)
3D Capabilities: Renders 267,000 Polygons per second, triangular polygon, Quadrilateral  polygon support/compatibility), anti-aliasing, rasterization, advanced texture mapping/multitexturing.
Controller: D-pad with 1 analog stick (with accompanying button), 4 action buttons (A,B,C,D), 2 shoulder buttons (Left and Right), Start, Select, Home menu button. Button count: 10, wired (early releases) but later wireless (via wireless controller plugin) in later models.

I know I wasn't fully realistic with this. But hey! This was kinda fun to write though!

Things I purged today...

I got rid off my:

  • VCR
  • Entire VHS Collection
  • Pretty much the last three blank VHS tapes in existence
  • A useless metal DVD holder
  • A just as useless metal crate with wheels
  • A plastic bin, once used for NES games, now empty
  • Almost all my DVDs
  • An old basket

Me and my dad are dumping crap into some dumpster, spring cleaning!

New section in my gaming collection!

I forgot to add the part about my Nintendo 64. So far, I have only one for it despite the fact I have the boxes for Super Mario 64, Top Gear Rally, some wrestling game I don't care about, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Things to do with Touhou Characters

Aparently, there is a rounded figure for the amount of Touhou Project characters, that being 160. Compared to Sonic's 32 or so. So what can you do with the known people and youkai of Gensokyo?

  1. Stuff them into three school buses, with 72 in each bus. Sorry Cirno, you have to ride the short bus with the other fairies.
  2. Populate a small town.
  3. Stuff into a subway car with considerable space to spare or just spread them out over an entire subway train.
  4. Ride a British Rail Class 390 Pendolino in standard class with seats to spare.
  5. All Ride a SNCF TGV Sud-Est or any large passenger train for that matter.
  6. Start a militia with a considerable amount of troops.
  7. Start a business that exceeds the employee count for a small business (Which is 50).
  8. Start a protest with major street coverage (meaning space occupied on a street).
  9. If my view count was 640, they'd account for a 4th of it or 25% of that view count.
  10. 100 out of 160 could all occupy American Senate seats or all 160 of them could take almost a third of House of Representatives.
  11. Start a sizeable micronation.
  12. Be almost the entirety of view on the first episode of my Minecraft Let's Play.
  13. Be able to be the entire makeup of Reed Academy's current estimated student body, eight times over.
  14. Be 5.71875th of the entire Sega Genesis game library.
  15. Be 386937.5th of worldwide NES sales.
  16. They can fit into 6.4 phone booths.

Now you know of some of things they are anc can do or be as a whole.

New Gaming Collection Page!

If you look towards your right, you'll see that I made a new page. This time, for my collection of old games. From the 1980's onward. I hope yall like it! :)

GamersGoMakers WHY?!

If there's one of multiple things I HATE about the game GamersGoMakers. Is that the Sega Genesis (in this case, Mega Drive) is pulled from market too early! According to the game's internal files, the Mega Drive's support ends in 1992, as opposed to 1996/1997. Then there's its own market share, the SG-1000 and the Saturn are more successful than the Dreamcast, Mega Drive, and Master System! The last one being uber popular in South America AND Europe. The Mega Drive was popular in America, and the two other continents that the Master System succeeded in. In game however, it rarely surpasses 5%, no matter how many games you make that have a 90%+ review score.

And don't get me started on the omitting of Handhelds and the lack of freedom in topic/story to game genre. Too bad LineLiar doesn't do updates anymore, I used to be excited for them, but that's at least understandable.

The History of "The Misadventures of Thomas & Friends"

My most popular YouTube series is The Misadventures of Thomas & Friends. It was created out of the fact that the Thomas & Friends TV series was pretty sucky at the time, so this was supposed to be an alternative to that. The pilot was released on July 1st 2011, the show ran for 12 episodes over 2 seasons. A third season was conceived and even a new wooden railway layout was built. But after my parent's divorce split my presence and the fact my room was going to be used as space for rent. The third season was never produced.

One year later,the pilot for a new series "The New Wooden Adventures of Thomas & Friends" was released on December 27th 2014. This new spin off featured set based filming (as opposed to one big layout) and efforts to reduce the presents of a hand moving everything. The series was also going to more serious as opposed to being comedic. An official first episode was filmed (going back to the layout format) and would have featured sound effects in place of vocal noises, but was never finished. A rough cut will be released soon onto pergold.

In conclusion, even if my parent's marital status wasn't so much like the Titanic. The Misadventures of Thomas & Friends would have been cancelled anyway albeit after the third/fourth season, as the TV series was improving so there was no need to have an alternative. Probably the most memorable part of making this was leokimvideo commented on a "behind the scenes" video that I had made.

All episodes are watchable on my YouTube channel, most of 'em are a couple years old and a couple hadn't aged all that well.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Touhou Tuesday: East Land Story

Here's an interesting parody of West Side Story.

How about having it take place in Gensokyo, and instead of Jets and Sharks, its the Scarlets and the Yakumo's (Using last names instead of gang names makes it more like Hatfields and Mccoys, but I think I can make an exception). Reimu Hakurei could be in place of officer Krupke.

Maybe I'll follow this up sometime soon.

Post in the comments on ideas for this.

Tumblr in a nutshell...

Sorry for Touhou Tuesday coming out late.

I blame blogger for not being entirely clear about scheduling, ESPECIALLY the fact that time is done by west coast time. Then I blame myself for rushing things, mostly for setting the release time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

RevieWednesday: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991 Genesis Original)

The plot is that the evil scientist, Dr. Robotnik has captured woodland creatures to be put into robots. Now Sonic has to speed along 6 zones to save them, as well as collecting the six chaos emeralds.

The controls are tight. The gameplay is exhilarating (at least for 90's standards). The graphics are bright, colorful, and thick with details. The music is among the best on the Genesis. The level design is linear, but does its job well enough for me not to throw the controller down and smash my Genesis.

The levels fluctuate wildly from running really fast and being fun, to straight up slow and difficult. Labyrinth Zone's boss is near impossible unless you end up cutting your lives down to 4 or 5. The special stages can be difficult at times but after a while, you can get them down pretty easy.

 VERDICT: 4.3 out of 5
"For the first in a series, its great. As a stand alone title, there's much more to be desired."

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Probably my favorite song in West Side Story

Anybody noticed anything in ZUN's music.

Most of them are titled as if they were pieces of art rather than music. This has always intrigued me.

Next weekend!

Since the mandatory school vacation is coming up! I'll put up AeroSoft 2020: Takes America and AeroSoft: The Next Step Forward.

These next two installments in the Aerohou Project series will be done the same as the first, a reading of the short stories themselves.

Daddy, would you like some sausage...links?

YES! There are now links for you to explore my presence on the internet.

From there you can see my YouTube channel, my dead sea scroll aged Roblox account, and the GameJolt page I work from.

Project White Plateau receives a rating!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Moderate Language
Comical Shenanigans

A skit I made up

Scene 1
Yakumo Household [Interior] after Exterior establishing shot

(walks into room) Chen! What are you doing!

[Chen and Frank are at a table with paper covered in a pink goo]

(Looks towards Ran) Oh! I'm teaching Chen how to write scripts.

Ran-shama, he's telling me about filler!

(Pick up paper) What is this?

(Points offscreen) Chen, go get the episodic filler.

[Chen runs off screen to come back pushing an oil drum saying "Property of USDA"]

Is that?...

Pink Slime. The best script filler known to man.

I don't think its used that way.

Chen-chan. You done?

(picks up and straightens it on the table) I'm done.

I'll just send that.

Scene 2
Viacom HQ (with establishing shot)

Viacom Assistant:
(Knocks open door) Sir, we just got hold of a script.

Viacom CEO:
Just bring it in, Jimmy.

Viacom Assistant:
(Drops slimey script on table, tries to wipe pink slime from hands)

Viacom CEO:
(Reads script) What is this...ITS GENIUS! I must know the person who wrote this masterpiece!

Viacom Assistant:
On the package, it said Chen Yak...

Viacom CEO:
I don't care! Send this to the Nickelodeon division. I think we have a new Spongebob on our hands.

Scene 3
Mr. Enter's office.

Mr. Enter:
This new show is HORRIBLE! The show is nothing but filler! The characters are bland, the concepts are just bad! Its' like a cat wrote this, even so, a brain dead one.

[Mr. Enter presses keyboard, and begins to edit his latest video]

Mr. Enter:
Finally! I'm done with this video. I can't the taste of the show out of my mouth right now.

Scene 4
Yakumo Household (Interior)

(Behind PC screen) Reviews say its bad.

Don't you tell that to Chen or I'll kill you!

Don't worry.


HAHH! (Dumps water onto computer)

[Chen enters room unnoticed]

What are you doing?


Yeah..ummm...nothing either.

Oh...okay then.

[Chen walks offscreen]

(Wipes head) Dodged a bullet.

{End of Skit/queue credits}

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The offical (yet incomplete) Brony Quest mythos!


  • 658 AD: Dr. Klax is born
  • 1878 AD: Joseph Stalin is born
  • 1885 AD: The Great Hakurei Barrier is built
  • 1918 AD: Edd Cohen is born
  • 1944 AD: Edd Cohen proposes the construction of a “Special School”
  • 1953 AD: Joseph Stalin dies; Dr. Klax steals his dead body
  • 1957 AD: Breed Academy is opened to the public
  • 1960 AD: Edd Cohen wins lottery, expands school, bribes government for technology, begins the Portal Project, obtains green chaos emerald (Not known at time)
  • 1977 AD: The portal is completed; Edd Cohen is warped to Equestria
  • 1979 AD: Breed Academy is sent into decline; Edd Cohen begins work in Equestrian politics
  • 1980 AD: Snatcher project begins in USSR
  • 1989 AD: Breed Academy closes, Events of “Mother” happen
  • 1990 AD: Elijah Modnar is kidnapped by Dr. Klax
  • 1994 AD: Edd Cohen retires
  • 1995 AD: Edd Cohen dreams of Prophecy, Events of “Mother 2 (Earthbound)” happen
  • 1997 AD: Matthew and Spencer are born
  • 1998 AD: Edd Cohen dies, Frank is born
  • 2000 AD: Trevor is Born
  • 2010 AD: Victor is Born
  • 2012 AD: Trevor begins training in Kanto
  • 2013 AD: Events of “Brony Quest: When Nazis Attack” Happen
  • 2014 AD: Dr. Klax’s Zealian Society begans construction
  • 2015 AD: Dr. Klax discovers Lavos and remains of the Devil’s Machine is located, Twilight Sparkle is warped to Breed Academy, Breed Academy burns shortly after causing major damage to portal and building
  • 2016 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 2: Day of Lavos” happens
  • 2017 AD: “Altered MLP:FiM Season 3” happens
  • 2019 AD: Frank and Twilight Sparkle begin dating
  • 2020 AD: Frank and Twilight Sparkle marry
  • 2022 AD: Beow is born
  • 2030 AD: Dr. Klax’s Irritable Space-Time warping ends bringing Stalbot and a Clone of Giegue 
  • 2036 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 3” happens
  • 2037 AD: “Altered MLP:FiM Season 4” happens
  • 2039 AD: Dr. Klax develops Time Machine and Kidnaps Elijah Modnar
  • 2040 AD: Time Machine is scrapped, Snatcher Project resumes under Dr. Klax’s control
  • 2041 AD: Dr. Klax invents EMASSA (Electro-Magnetic AirShip Space Armor), Dr. Klax passes through Great Hakurei Barrier and introduces Snatchers into Gensokyo for experimental reasons, and equipment used for JUNKER is produced in Equestria (protective trench coats, lightweight guns, and robotic ‘navigators’)
  • 2042 AD: Snatchers invade Equestria from inside-out, Events of “Brony Quest 4?” happen
  • 2043 AD: The Three Amigos (and Frank’s family) stop the Snatchers by invading Dr. Klax’s base in Gensokyo, Beow devolves a love interest with the Reimu Hakurei
  • 2044 AD: Dr. Klax starts plans for a planned society to build an army
  • 2045 AD: Human populations begin appearing in Equestria, large scale portal transport is invented
  • 2046 AD: Equestria becomes part of United Nations; Dr. Klax begins construction on proto-community
  • 2047 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 5?” happen
  • 2048 AD: Beow dates Remiu in secret  
  • 2050 AD: Dr. Klax’s proto-community is completed; the Great Equestrian Video Game Crash destroys Crystal Kingdom’s economy
  • 2052 AD: Dr. Klax’s proto-community ends in mutiny with documents and plans leaked to United Nations
  • 2053 AD: Beow marries Remiu despite Marisa Kirisame’s disproval
  • 2054 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 6?” happen
  • 2055 AD:  Elijah Modnar dies in airship crash, production on Starmen is discontinued
  • 2056 AD: Giegue clone is destroyed, Devil’s Machine 2.0 is built to contain psychic and mental remains, Giygas is reborn
  • 2057 AD: Neo Kobe City is built in Equestria
  • 2058 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 7?” happens
  • 2059 AD: Dr. Klax constructs the Orbital Militarized Space Sation (or OMSS) tests by attacking United Nations building and declared an international threat
  • 2060 AD: Matthew retires, EMASSA technology is reversed engineered by USA and reproduced
  • 2061 AD: 25% of Snatcher factories are eradicated, Trevor retires and joins Frank
  • 2062 AD: Snatchers take over several European governments
  • 2063 AD: Snatched governments are discovered, Dr. Klax declares war out of panic, World War III happens
  • 2064 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 8?” Happens
  • 2065 AD: OMSS attacks Michigan and Massachusetts
  • 2067 AD: 65% of Snatcher factories are destroyed
  • 2069 AD: OMSS is destroyed and crashes into Earth causing collateral environmental damage and kills Matthew, Spencer retires.
  • 2070 AD: World War III ends, Trevor retires again
  • 2071 AD: Environmental reconstruction begins, 80% of Snatcher factories are destroyed, and Equestrian military hunts for Dr. Klax
  • 2073 AD: Environmental reconstruction proves difficult Dr. Klax’s prototype communal society is considered
  • 2074 AD: Stalbot is found by Frank and is destroyed, Beow disappears to Gensokyo
  • 2075 AD: Dr. Klax goes into hiding, Operation: Sameness is commissioned by United Nations (voted 4-3), all Snatcher factories are destroyed
  • 2076 AD: Frank retires
  • 2078 AD: Spencer is killed protesting against Sameness
  • 2079 AD: Equestria is sealed off as part of Operation: Sameness
  • 2080 AD: EMASSA technology is used to modifiy the earth’s terrain
  • 2089 AD: Sameness is completed, destroys Great Hakurei Barrier, Youkai attack Japanese communities
  • 2090 AD: final United Nations meeting is held
  • 2095 AD: Dr. Klax is found and banished to the moon
  • 2100 AD: mysterious man known as Beowulf appears
  • 2105 AD: events of “Brony Quest 9” happens
  • 2106 AD: Sameness is successfully prevented from reaching to Equestria
  • 2110 AD: Sameness affected entire world, Youkai fully populate Japan, Beow retires, Beowulf is revealed to be Frank’s Grandson.
  • 2111 AD: Remiu goes missing
  • 2120 AD: Frank dies of old age
  • 2150 AD: Dr. Klax is sealed in a “Space Dumpster”
  • 2168 AD: Jonas is born
  • 2180 AD: events of “The Giver” happens
  • 2187 AD: events of “Gathering Blue” happens
  • 2191 AD: events of “Messenger” happens
  • 2203 AD: events of “Son” happens
  • 2245 AD: Beowulf dies attempting to destroy Dr. Klax’s “Space Dumster” in hopes to kill him
  • 2258 AD: Revolution occurs abolishing sameness
  • 2260 AD: Revolution ends, communities split into 12 districts and a capitol, Earth’s environment is more sustainable and unterraformed
  • 2334 AD: events of “The Hunger Games” happens
  • 2335 AD: events of “Catching Fire” happens
  • 2336 AD: events of “Mockingjay” happens
  • 2400 AD: District communities are no longer existant and countries form back
  • 2434 AD: Myths of a long lost land that was once accessible via portal (Equestria was the “lost land” in question)
  • 2440 AD: Archeological digs reveal that the portals did exist but are beyond repair
  • 2445 AD: Stories revolving the Three Amigos and Frank’s family start circulating as legends (A large number of details were either warped or left out altogether)
  • 2498 AD: 500 year anniversary of Frank birth, a day commemorated
  • 2540 AD: Dr. Klax escapes his prison and sets off a World War
  • 2541 AD: World War IV starts
  • 2545 AD: The nations fire off their nukes out of desperation
  • 2578 AD: The human population has been drastically descreased almost to extinction, World War IV ends by default, Dr. Klax is killed by nuclear holocaust
  • 2580 AD: radiation kills off all remaining humans, Youkai survive by being isolated from the rest of the world
  • 2670 AD: Irradiated ponies begin to evolve
  • 2700 AD: ponies begin to form horns and wings
  • 2770 AD: ponies start to form tribes and villages
  • 2800 AD: Pre-classical era of ponykind starts
  • 3000 AD: Hearts-warming eve occurs, Ponykind enters the Classical era
  • 3578 AD: Discord is born as a reincarnation of Dr. Klax
  • 3600 AD: Rise of Discord, Discordian era occurs
  • 3643 AD: Rise of King Sombre
  • 3831 AD: Discord is defeated, Equestria’s Diarchy is formed
  • 3900 AD: King Sombre is defeat and the Crystal Kingdom disappears
  • 4321 AD: Princess Luna is turned into Nightmare Moon,
  • 4422 AD: Nightmare Moon is banished from Equestria, Nightmare Night occurs
  • 5361 AD: Dr. Cohen is teleported to Equestria
  • 5398 AD: Dr. Cohen dies, Adolf Hitler appears in the Everfree Forest
  • 5421 AD: events of “MLP:FiM season 1” happens
  • 5422 AD: events of “MLP:FiM season 2” happens
  • 5430 AD: Nazis start attacking Equestria, an SOS letter is sent (albeit, in a random fashion), events of “Brony Quest: When Nazis Attack” happens, Youkai begin to migrate
  • 5432 AD: Twilight Sparkle is warped into Massachusetts while exploring some tower ruins
  • 5433 AD: events of “Brony Quest 2: Day of Lavos” happens 
  • 5434 AD: events of “altered MLP:FiM season 3” happens
  • 5435 AD: “Altered MLP:FiM Season 3” happens
  • 5436 AD: Frank and Twilight Sparkle begin dating
  • 5437 AD: Frank and Twilight Sparkle marry
  • 5439 AD: Beow is born
  • 5440 AD: Dr. Klax’s Irritable Space-Time warping ends bringing Stalbot and a Clone of Giegue 
  • 5446 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 3” happens
  • 5447 AD: “Altered MLP:FiM Season 4” happens
  • 5449 AD: Dr. Klax develops Time Machine and Kidnaps Elijah Modnar
  • 5450 AD: Time Machine is scrapped, Snatcher Project resumes under Dr. Klax’s control
  • 5451 AD: Equipment used for JUNKER is produced in Equestria (protective trench coats, lightweight guns, and robotic ‘navigators’)
  • 5452 AD: Snatchers invade Equestria from inside-out, Events of “Brony Quest 4?” happen
  • 5453 AD: The Three Amigos (and Frank’s family) stop the Snatchers by invading Dr. Klax’s base in Gensokyo, Beow devolves a love interest with the Reimu Hakurei
  • 5454 AD: Dr. Klax starts plans for a planned society to build an army
  • 5455 AD: Human populations begin appearing in Equestria, large scale portal transport is invented
  • 5456 AD: Equestria becomes part of United Nations; Dr. Klax begins construction on proto-community
  • 5457 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 5?” happen
  • 5458 AD: Beow dates Remiu in secret  
  • 5460 AD: Dr. Klax’s proto-community is completed; the Great Equestrian Video Game Crash destroys Crystal Kingdom’s economy
  • 5462 AD: Dr. Klax’s proto-community ends in mutiny with documents and plans leaked to United Nations
  • 5463 AD: Beow marries Remiu despite Marisa Kirisame’s disproval
  • 5464 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 6?” happen
  • 5465 AD:  Elijah Modnar dies in airship crash, production on Starmen is discontinued
  • 5466 AD: Giegue clone is destroyed, Devil’s Machine 2.0 is built to contain psychic and mental remains, Giygas is reborn
  • 5467 AD: Neo Kobe City is built in Equestria
  • 5468 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 7?” happens
  • 5470 AD: Matthew retires
  • 5471 AD: 25% of Snatcher factories are eradicated, Trevor retires and joins Frank
  • 5474 AD: Events of “Brony Quest 8?” Happens
  • 5477 AD: 65% of Snatcher factories are destroyed
  • 5479 AD: Matthew dies, Spencer retires.
  • 5480 AD: Trevor retires again
  • 5481 AD: Equestrian military hunts for Dr. Klax
  • 5484 AD: Stalbot is found by Frank and is destroyed, Beow disappears to Gensokyo
  • 5485 AD: Operation: Sameness is commissioned by United Nations (voted 4-3), all Snatcher factories are destroyed
  • 5486 AD: Frank retires
  • 5489 AD: Equestria is sealed off as part of Operation: Sameness
  • 5490 AD: EMASSA technology is used to modifiy the earth’s terrain
  • 5499 AD: Sameness is completed, destroy Great Hakurei Barrier, Youkai attack Japanese communities
  • 5500 AD: mysterious man known as Beowulf appears
  • 5505 AD: events of “Brony Quest 9” happens, Sameness leaks into Equestria
  • 5506 AD: Sameness is successfully prevented from reaching to Equestria and expends Princess Celestia in the process, Princess Twilight Sparkle takes Celestia’s postion
  • 5507 AD: Beowulf is discovered to be Frank’s grandson
  • 5509 AD: Youkai invade Equestria, Human populace is scared by attacks
  • 5511 AD: Unicorn (and Alicorn) magic is discovered to be effective at keeping away Youkai
  • 5514 AD: Youkai are dispelled from Equestria
  • 5518 AD: Humans and ponies begin colonizing other lands
  • 5520 AD:  events of “Brony Quest X” happen
  • 5524 AD: Alicorns begin to discover ‘Danmaku’ magic
  • 5527 AD: Alicorns master Danmaku
  • 5530 AD: Unicorns begin to learn Danmaku
  • 5535 AD: Humans and Earth Ponies master Danmaku by other means (such as advanced weaponry and machinery)
  • 5540 AD: The Great Equestrian-Youkai war starts
  • 5545 AD: events of “Brony Quest X 2” happens
  • 5560 AD: The Great Equestrian-Youkai war ends
  • 5564 AD: Beowulf dies in a colonial skirmish

History of the Equestria & Gensokyo Railway (EGR)

History of
Equestria & Gensokyo Railway

It started off as a merger between the Gensokyo National Railway (GNR) and Equestria Railways (ER) in 1949. The unified railway company continued to run separately for several years as there was no way to directly connect the two.
Equestria Railways was once a nationalized program. Serving both passenger and freight services. Meanwhile, the Gensokyo National Railway has more of a freight service, as it served the Kappa Valley transporting ores and metals to the various workshops.
Even if the two railways were to be directly linked the two railways had two different gauges Gensokyo had a 2 foot 4 inch railway has it had to deal with local mines and mountainous terrain. Equestria maintained a 3 foot 6 inch standard gauge.
In 1953, The Gensokyo & Equestrian Railway (GER)'s  hopes were answered. Advances in interdimensional gaps now allowed trains to cross into Gensokyo from Equestria and vice versa via a tunnel. The railway had to pay 1.2 Million dollars to have access to building tracks and using the gaps.
The Gensokyo half of the railway began being reconstructed, with standard gauge track being laid and the phasing out of the narrow gauge railway (the last train ran in 1978, with the track being scraped the following year). Long standing gaps where installed inside tunnels, gaps can be closed if necessary or removed if the railway were to close or if rights to run trains into and from Gensokyo were to be revoked, fortunately, neither has happened.
Finally, in spring of 1955, the first train ran from Ponyville and into Kappa Valley. To prevent youkai raids, all crew had to carry guns or use spell cards if available. A small terminus was later built at the human village, and to a lesser degree, a spur line to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to bring in supplies to later supplement a large scale meth superlab in 2011.
The locomotives during the early period (1953-1966) were locomotive native to Equestria, with well tank steam engines and several American imported diesels. In Gensokyo however, the narrow gauge railway was still a major thing in the Kappa Valley and were mostly Kerr Stuart locos, some of which were modified to become tender engines.
By 1958, trains criss-crossed through the gaps constantly everyday. The company soon started to see some problems. First, the aging fleet started to show some issues. The well tank locomotives, though they have a low maintenance and running cost, they were notorious for constant refueling and high fueling costs. The diesel on the other hand suffered from reliability problems and increasingly frequent breakdowns and in need of large overhauls.
In 1963, the railway bought 20 new steam locomotives from British Railways, knowing they could obtain newly built locomotive at a low cost due to the railway's ousting of steam in favor of diesels. The british steam locomotive soon replaced the fleet of well tanks and some of the diesels.
By 1965, the Gensokyo and Equestria halfs of the railway got their locomotives replaced. The narrow guage in Gensokyo however only got some retired narrow gauge locomotive on varying degres of disrepair.
However, 1966 brought the retirement of CEO Ashen Hattrail. The railway found a replacement, Jack Trample. The Trample Era (1967-1972) brought in an albeit half baked modernization plan, which included replacing the entire fleet, constructing several Railworks (two of which were actually built, in Kappa Valley and Ponyville respectfully), and electrifying all track (which didn't happen until 1999 and even so, it was only on high traffic lines with large metropolitan connections).
In 1969, the company had it's first net loss, which resulted in the scrapping of the modernization plans.

Then I got bored writing this a long time ago.

The Spectrum Era just got better!

I have added some new stuff to my blog. I hope this makes navigating it more helpful. It also makes following this blog easier, without having to deal with the whole Google+ schtick. Now you no longer require a Gmail account to follow my blog!

I also added pages, so there's extra content aside from the usual blog posts.

Aerohou Project: The Great Gensokyo Escapade (Concept #1, Basic gameplay and story)

"Aerohou Project: The Great Gensokyo Escapade" is an action platformer based on the Aerohou series of short stories. Featuring several players going through various worlds (a world contains 3 zones with 2 acts, each zone also has a bonus 3rd act if certain conditions are met).

The Plot
Dr. Cohen, pretty much fed up with Frank Topham and Reimu Hakurei, tasks his two henchmen with creating a series of machines to destroy Gensokyo and remove AeroSoft from the world. The machines quickly alerts the attention of the famed miko, but Frank takes the opportunity to "take things to the side, and scroll with it". Trevor, (Frank's brother) grabs a gun and joins in. The group of three run off to explore Gensokyo and probably get some neat stuff in the process.

The Characters
Frank Topham: Frank plays like the typical side scrolling 2-D platformer fare. Except he can hack his way through certain obstacles and temporarily control robotic enemies. His speed, jumping, and handling are average.

Reimu Hakurei: Reimu can use her gohei as a melee weapon and can used in a similar fashion to Scrooge Mcduck's cane in DuckTales (the NES game) to pogo across hazards or knock things aside to get to hard to reach places. Her jumping is slightly shorter than Frank's and has poor handling (this makes her slide a bit), this may have to do with the fact she's never really been in a platformer, but hey. Also her speed is slightly faster than Frank's speed.

Trevor Topham: Trevor has a gun, he can use this for the obvious ranged attacks (cause you shoot a gun). The gun (albeit its more of a rifle) can shoot down walls and can be aimed in eight directions. Trevor has a more floaty jump, he is slower than Frank, but handles the best.

Yuyuko Saigyouji: Yuyuko can't equip items (I'll talk about them later), but she can suck in enemies and copy their unique ability in a fashion similar to Kirby. Yuyuko is faster than Frank, handles better than Trevor, and can perform a double jump. BUT she is only available after you beat the game with the good ending (this means beating the game with all three characters and then going to the final stage unlocked after).

Equipable Items
There are numerous bits of equipment to obtain. Such as the speed shoes (which increases speed and allows to spin dash and the super peel-out) or the plumber boots (increases jump and allows the spin jump) or the bobcat shirt (allows for gliding mid jump), and or the advanced knee replacement (increases handling but slightly decreases speed), among possible others. They are purely optional, but can make the game the easier and help the player by affecting one's stats.

Bonus Acts
Each zone has a bonus third act. What exactly the act is, is based upon which character is being played. Frank's bonus acts involves a more challenging level. Reimu's bonus acts are a danmaku vertical shooter. Trevor's bonus acts are basically the base levels from contra, but less difficult.

The controls would be more in favor towards a Sega Genesis controller (A for jumping, B for shooting\melee attacking, C for other things). The three buttons can be customized in options for personal playing preference.

[This conclude this game's episode of concepts]

My failed attempt to write a creepypasta (This is from three years ago)

Pokémon Twilight

One fateful afternoon around at the beginning of 2012, I found an old Gameboy color cartridge. It looked like a Pokémon cartridge that had seen better days.  I bought for five bucks! It was so bloody cheap. As I came home from Game Underground, I shoved that baby into my Gameboy Advance.
After the logo, the intro was different. Instead of the normal Gold/Silver intro, I saw what looked like Billy Mays and Vince (For reals in this game!) fighting like the intro to the first generation Pokémon games, as the two pitchmen fought, the screen rose above them and it shows Rainbow Dash rocketing through the sky past Ho-Oh. I thought this was some stupid hack. It reminded me of the Strangled Red story where the hack was an entirely game.
Then the title screen popped up, it was like Red/Blue with the scrolling of various Pokémon. The Pokémon that scrolled was: Rainbow Dash (Known in game as Dashie), Vince, Pikachu, Twilight Sparkle (Known in game as Twilight), Lugia, Charizard, and finally Squrtle.
I started a New Game (There is no saved game) and named my Character and Rival (The character looked just like Ness and the Rival looked just like Pokey!) their sprites made me think that this hack was done by a Brony and a Mother fan.
It started in Onett, which was weird. Instead of Professor Elm, It was Professor Reltih who had a thick German accent.
If it wasn’t weird enough, the towns where (In order of entrance) : Onett, Ponyvile,  Viridian City, Fourside, Lavender Town, Berlin, Summers, Goldenrod City, Castella City, Fuchsia City, and Canterlot.
There where the three starters Bulbasuar, Mudkip, and Cynaquil. I chose Bulbasuar. My rival (Dicks) chose Mudkip as always. We fought the normal first rival battle (You know Tackle, Growl, and Tail Whip). I won the battle with my rival all pissed off.
I was given five Pokeballs from his aide and went to Ponyvile and got and Delivered Reltih’s parcel. I later caught a level 4 Pinkie and a level 5 Pigdey.
Everything went awesome! Turns out there are two new Pokémon types Magic and Chaos.  Everyone was at least at Level 25 by the time we reached Lavender Town, that’s when the weird shit hits the fan.
In Lavender Town, everyone talked of two legendary Pokémon Celestia and Discord. Rather than the Pokémon Tower was inaccessible with a message that said “Candle, axe, and rope.”
I left with no problem whatsoever. What got weirder was that at level 50 Pinkie evolved into Pinkamena.  Twilight never evolved though, but was powerful enough. I managed to catch Celestia and Discord.
At Canterlot there was a person at a developer’s office who said this: “Are you confused? Go to for a walkthrough!”
I followed the link and it said the game had two endings, the normal one being done by defeating the final rival. The Unown ending is done by defeating the rival with a fainted Discord, a level 74 Celestia to evolve after the battle, A Twilight, and a Pinkamena as well as your starter Pokémon.
I finished the game with the normal ending and seeing the hall of fame. I then deleted the save after the credits (After completing the Pokedex, turns out the first three generations of Pokémon plus the new Fakemon are all in this game) wondering what this Unown ending was.
I defeated Pokey in this new game with the necessary requirements.  After the hall of fame and credits, instead of restarting the game said “Three long years later…”
I was in Pokémon tower! I was amazed at this however. The correct music is playing. The gravestone said “Discord, lord of chaos, died at the elements of harmony and in mid battle with PkMn trainer Ness.”
I was sad that a MLP character like Discord cloud die in a Pokémon Battle. I Left the tower and went home. Rather than the people paying condolences by giving the protagonist Lemonade or Fresh water, the wild Pokémon always ran away from me.
I had a Level 80 Venusuar, Level 75 Molestia, Level 81 Twilight, Level 77 Pinkamena, Level 79 Pigdeot, and a level 78 Arcaine. I went to my bed in my home. A Message appeared “Ness obtained Axe. Ness Obtained Candle. Ness Obtained Escape Rope.”
I questioned the items when the screen cut to black. But I’m put into a dream world. In my team I had Twilight, Celestia, Pinkie, Dashie, and GHOST.  The lavender Town ghost was just the same from Creepy Black.
The dream tower it was called reminded me of Lost Sliver. As I went up the tower, a message appeared. “CELESTIA: Don’t worry my dear student everything will be okay when we escape our metal balls, Twilight.”
It was strange that Celestia even spoke. At the end of the tower several trainers were there. They were GOLD, SLIVER, RED, BLUE, and then I fought Professor Reltih. “I’m not really a professor to even begin with, nor is my name Reltih.” The message said.
The battle began; the battle message said “ADOLF HITLER WANTED TO FIGHT!”
Adolf Hitler was in a bloody hacked son of a thousand creepypastas Pokémon game?! I was checked out by this. I defeated him; he stole and used my escape rope. The fuhrer committed suicide right on the spot.
Afterward, my Pokémon Began to Speak, “Let the Elements of Harmony UNITE!”
The battle began with the Intro to ‘Friendship is Magic’ played as the battle music, but it had a Lavender Town feel to it though. The message said “Wild Elements of Harmony seeks revenged!”
The battle Sprites in between every move changed, I could recognize them as: Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity. There moves are Friendship, CURSE, Harmony, sing, and Cupcakes. I did not know they had 5 moves, because Pokémon can only learn 4 moves at a time.
Every time the move ‘Sing’ was done, the song slowly began to switch to the Lavender Town theme, and then it was ‘Friendship is Magic’. The battle ended with me losing. The screen cut to black, a message popped up “CELESTIA: I’m the head of Team Plasma, really. My student and her friends were subjected to this ghastly Pokémon fighting. I’m the driving force of Black and White. I’m in their leader’s mind. Twilight is also in this, under a false name, N.”
I began to understand what’s going on, the ponies, the fake Pokémon, the mixed towns, everything! The region looked just like unova. I used the candle and the building caught fire. I then used axe on Celestia. Celestia Evolved into Molestia.
Now that’s what I call a bat shit crazy event. Ness woke up and the game ended with the house collapsing on up on my character.  The end looked the end of Mother 3. Everything died and blew up in fires, Earthquakes, even a terrorist attack on the Pokémon tower with planes crashing into it!
The screen cut to black with a message saying: “MOM: Wake up RED you just had a nightmare, besides today is the day you meet Professor Oak to get your first Pokémon!”
The restarted with my last save deleted automatically. This was all RED’s dream, he was a secret Brony. He played Earthbound on his SNES. He had a bad dream, the poor kid. I was subjected to this stuff! From point A to Point B, and plus, in the process seeing both endings.
That’s why hacked Pokémon games always have something scary or creepy in them. I sent James Rolfe this same cartridge to see if can take a crap or something on it, I never got the chance to take screenshots or video because I’m either too lazy, the Flip is out of battery, or that I don’t have the equipment.
I also have never watched a single ‘Friendship is Magic’ episode ever again. Also, never gave a big shit over Bronyism on internet over the next few months. At school, I have become paranoid, because that stupid bloody game, which is now worth Bollocks.

Written by:
 Frank Topham